Saturday, February 9, 2013


Recently I was asked in a facebook group to come up with "power words" or phrases that were affecting my life, and while I think I was able to adequately answer the question, one word has been tugging at my psyche ever since this was mentioned. 

That word is "Possibility". While it seems such a simple term, I think too many of us today dismiss "possibility" as something that doesn't wholly impact us and our day to day lives. We too easily allow ourselves to be placed into a box of conformity and normalcy that restricts and limits what we are attempting to accomplish. I say that carefully because little outside of our own selves can control what we are capable of, or what is indeed "possible" for us. 

What I have begun to ask myself each and every day when I wake up is what am I going to allow to be a possibility this day, what I am going to make happen, and spending a few moments reassuring myself that nothing can stop me. 

I would encourage each of you that reads this to do the same, or something similar, stop listening to negativity outside of yourself, stop placing yourself inside a box of what's "possible" for you, for truly there is no limit to what you are capable of doing.

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