Monday, February 25, 2013

Learning to Unplug in the Modern Era.

You've probably already realized this as you read this electronic Blog post, but we are in the "information era", and technology is everywhere. The human race is capable of accomplishing more today than we ever have been in our history. The cell phones that we carry in our pockets today have more computing power than NASA did when they sent astronauts to the moon. While this allows us to accomplish more in our daily lives we are also so inundated with technology that sometimes it's hard to unplug. If technology has taken over your life, make sure that you are taking a few moments each day to unplug, and find moments that allow you to have "quiet time", time without having to worry about the next e-mail, or status update. There are a few simple ways to work in some "mental health moments" into your daily life.

Take Time to Collect Your Thoughts:

If you’re serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured and unique individual, keep a journal.” -Jim Rohn

Taking the time to keep a journal, which I learned the art of from my mentor Jim Rohn, can be a integral part of maintaining a healthy mindset. One of the best ways to organize the sometimes fractured and chaotic thoughts in your head can be putting them on paper to allow you the time to sort them out. Writing your journal can become a healthy and relaxing habit to add into your daily life.

Reexamine Your Technology Habits:

 One of the most important aspects of introducing a little bit of mental clarity into your daily life is stepping away from your technology. When you step away, take some time to make a genuine and honest evaluation of your use of that technology. Honesty with yourself is key here, fudging something is going to hurt no one but yourself. Evaluate your habits with technology and determine whether or not you NEED to spend the amount of time with technology that you are, or if it simply has become a habit. Brainstorm on ways to increase your productivity  could you be getting more done in less time? Do you NEED to check your Facebook, or can you shut it down at the end of the day? Are emails that come in after business hours important, or could they be handled in the morning? These are questions that only you can answer.

Get in Touch With Your REAL Interests:

As you are taking your time away from your technology, in addition to examining your patterns, decide what is most important in your life and commit more time to those activities. Consider taking a vacation, this doesn't have to even be a physical vacation where you leave town, but simply a vacation from your technology. Turning off all of your devices for the weekend can be an amazingly freeing experience. Most of all though concentrate on revitalizing and rejuvenating yourself in what ever manner is most productive for you.

"Men cannot see their reflection in running water, but only in still water. Only that which is itself still can still the seekers of stillness. . . . If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind? The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe."Chuang Tzu

"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." Lao Tzu

Technology isn't going anywhere, so to avoid burning out it is vital that you put into motion a plan to balance your technology usage with mental health and sanity time. While productivity is the most frequent argument against spending time away from technology the plain and simple truth is that if you do not take care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of your responsibilities.

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