Tuesday, July 2, 2013

That voice inside your head is a LIAR!

We all have that voice inside our head, it tells us what we can and can't do, what we are capable of, and what we cannot achieve. It's the voice that tells you, go ahead you can make this traffic light, and the voice that keeps you from doing something foolish. This voice has likely been with you your whole life, and most likely has served you well for the most part.

The problem with this voice is while sometimes it helps you, more often than not it's actually holding you back. You see that voice is a liar when it comes to what you are capable of.

Here's a short example, my two year old son hasn't been exposed to the limiting beliefs and negativity of our society and hasn't yet had the chance to permeate in his psyche. You can't tell that little man that he can't do something. A couple of days ago when he went to bed and I was packing up his toys from the day, I accidentally set his "favorite" toy (a blue lion) on the bar counter in our kitchen, now this counter is probably about waist high to me, but definitely much higher than my son can reach. This counter is where we put the things that he isn't supposed to play with, like Daddy's iPad. Well he came out and saw his lion up on that counter and at first he stood on his tip-toes to reach it, then he tried jumping, then he tried asking Daddy, but as we're teaching him that he doesn't ALWAYS get what he wants I told him that he wasn't going to play with his lion right now, but he could have it after breakfast. Well being as he was my son, he decided that he didn't like that answer, and I confident in my knowledge that there was no way he could get it let him try. After about 5 minutes of trying he got a funny look on his face, the same look he gets when he sees a cookie across the room, and ran out of the kitchen laughing. He went into the living room and got a small end table that we have, climbed up on that, and triumphantly retrieved his favorite blue lion.

I told that story to ask you this, what is the "blue lion" in your life, what do you see as just out of your reach? I know that I've been challenged in life before, and tried then given up because that little voice in my head was telling me that I couldn't get there. My son didn't have that little voice all he knew was that he had a goal and he was going to achieve it, and he didn't stop until he reached it. Move with that sort of faith, that sort of purpose and you can achieve whatever you desire, that little voice inside your head is a LIAR!

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